What if the ball is unplayable?

Dear Sean, my students are organizing a charity four squares tournament at our school for the local food pantry, and we want to make sure we've got all the rules right. I'm a former Ragin' Narwhal and think I have most of them down pat, but we came up with one question. If someone legally hits the ball into your square, but the ball immediately starts to roll OR the ball stops cold (i.e. it's unable to play off), who is out?

How big is a standard four square court?

A lot of people from a lot of different industries are looking to us to answer questions about the standards of this playground game. Somehow we have become the official source for rules clarifications, managing behavior, and even consulting about world records. This week we're addressing a couple of questions about the size of a four square court. I will answer your questions in the order they were received...

Join our Facebook Group to plan for the 2015 Champs!

To the peoples of four square,

You may already be aware that the 10th Annual Four Square World Championships are coming on Feb 28, 2015.

If you are trying to arrange your travel plans and want to connect with other attendees, please use our Facebook Group. It's a great place to ask for and offer rides or fine people to share rooms:


Hope to see you soon, either on the court or on a stretcher beside it! - Management

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