Tom Stockwell, one of the sickest senior four square players of all time, collected another Four Square World Championship title on Feb 28, 2009, in Bridgton, ME. Tommy is so well accomplished, and so secretive indeed about his off season training regimen, that he has people believing he spends his time ice fishing. Congratulations, Tom, we'll be seeing you in 2010.


My young son (13 tomorrow) and I played 2 square for 50 minutes straight, but I am nearly 59 and have had three sets of heart procedures during my 50's. I never really played this game until I was 56 ... but have not been beaten so far, even by guys in their 20's. We used to play the wall downball game when I was young.
Here, in Australia, we mainly use a tennis ball.

Now how can you call this guy, Stockwell, the "World Senior Champion", when it is almost certain we have better players here in Australia??
Send him over and we'll show him how it's doneLOL!

Now how can you call this guy, Stockwell, the "World Senior Champion", when it is almost certain we have better players here in Australia??
Send him over and we'll show him how it's doneLOL!

The World Championships are open to all comers (who have $10 US). You think you got game, bring it to the court. And Maine is beautiful in February.

They are Not "World" champions until you make sure you play the best in the world.
Australia has the Best players.
You need to come here to prove your claims.
If you are making such claims: you have to prove claims you make.
The onus is on you to come and prove it.

No offense, but you don't get to blame the winner for the fact that your WHOLE COUNTRY didn't show up for the tournament.

No offense, but you gotta prove it in Australia, Mate.
Look ... I'll tell you what: You folks put up half the travel costs and half accommodation costs [or billot] and we'll turn up.
Either that, or you come here, and we'll put up half your costs.
Got it??
You just can't go around claiming that YOU happen to run "World Championships"LOL!

Now I've had more time to think about it, I think the best you can do is put up open advertising [as we did for the state championships here in Victoria, Australia, in the '80's] ... put up multi-media advertising in each country that might be interested in entering [you'll need to do research], invite them to play-off their own national champion representatives, and invite the national reps over and provide billeting for them. Obviously, they'll have to pay their own ways over, if you host them properly.
In the meantime, you'll run your own national championships [You can't just run 'World championships' with almost only American nationals in it. You just run your own 'American Open' there.
Each year a different country gets to host the World Championships, and you'll have to play to their variant of the game.
Here, we mainly use tennis balls, and squares about 7' X 7'.
We also play two square for the play offs between 2 players.
Very fair that way.

Now I've had more time to think about it, I think the best you can do is put up open advertising [as we did for the state championships here in Victoria, Australia, in the '80's] ... put up multi-media advertising in each country that might be interested in entering [you'll need to do research], invite them to play-off their own national champion representatives, and invite the national reps over and provide billeting for them. Obviously, they'll have to pay their own ways over, if you host them properly.
In the meantime, you'll run your own national championships [You can't just run 'World championships' with almost only American nationals in it. You just run your own 'American Open' there.
Each year a different country gets to host the World Championships, and you'll have to play to their variant of the game.
Here, we mainly use tennis balls, and squares about 7' X 7'.
We also play two square for the play offs between 2 players.
Very fair that way.

Just spit balling here, but is there any chance you all could get a life? Besides, Spock would have played whatever this is in 3 dimensions. So tune up your game (?). Totally jealous.

Satirically yours, The 2 & 4 Ball Universal Champion, Doris McDonohue